Reflexology is an ancient form of complementary medicine involving massaging the reflex points on and around the feet. This treatment can help to re-balance the body’s hormonal and energy systems and to maintain the body’s natural equilibrium. Reflexology can help with conditions such as hormonal imbalances, tired & aching muscles, PMS, arthritis, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, stress and stress-related conditions. They also have a therapeutic effect on the nervous system, promoting a feeling of well – being and helps the body dispose of toxins.
Research has shown that reflexology may also help relieve the symptoms of lymphoedema, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis. Reflexology may also help clients living with the symptoms of cancer and non-medical infertility issues. Your reflexologist will begin with a consultation followed by a reflexology session.
We also offer our signature reflexology for the little touch of luxury.
60 mins
Book a course of six
Signature Reflexology
We start by cleansing the feet with hot mitts then exfoliate the feet with our lime and lemongrass scrub.
Choose from our signature in house blended aromatherapy oils and enjoy a lower leg massage followed by your reflexology session which naturally balances and treats the whole body. By using compression massage to the reflex areas of the feet, tension is released, circulation is improved and general feeling of wellbeing is achieved.
This treatment will leave you feeling relaxed and floaty.
75 mins
Thai foot Massage
Thai foot massage works on the feet and lower legs, opening the Sen lines, releasing any energy blockages in the body.
This treatment is deeply relaxing and also creates a feeling of invigoration after the treatment. It combines different techniques including the use of a thai massage stick to promote good health and increased energy.
45 min
Hopi Ear Candles
This treatment is excellent for anyone who suffers with excess wax in the ears, sinusitis or general blocked sinuses. The ear candles are hollow and when lit gently palpate the ear drum.
The treatment is completely painless and under the skilled practitioner’s hands, actually very relaxing. This therapy is also helpful for migraines, head colds, catarrh, glue ear and hay fever.
30 mins
Indian Head Massage
Indian head massage is based on the ayurvedic system of healing, working on chakras to bring the body into balance.
This treatment releases the stress that has accumulated in the muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders. It helps relieve stress, fatigue, headaches, migraines, insomnia and sinusitus and is deeply calming.
Allows a deep sense of well being and relaxation, opening your body to better rest.
45 mins
Signature Holistic Journey
Combines Massage, Indian Head Massage and Reflexology
Start with an indian head massage to balance the body and mind, followed by a relaxing back massage to relieve aching muscles.. Finally a reflexology treatment works to release tension and improve the function of the body leaving a feeling of well-being.
2 hours
Holistic Treatments in Winchester | Salisbury | Shaftesbury